Monday, June 7


I am finally done with every final! The last day of school is tomarrow, I am really excited! If you ever read this blog, please leave some sort of sign to let me know! Thnx!

Tuesday, June 1

Anagram of the day!

A telescope = To see place

Sorry if i ever repeat anything!

Tuesday, May 25


OMG! it was crazy @ school today. I was just heading to my filmmaking class like a normal day, and I walk in between these two guys talking because the hall was crowded (like always but a little more today). Then once I pass them I see a large group of people on the stairs and I turn around and there was a HUGE group of people all over! Then I noticed something was going on (i know. i'm slow) Anyway, those two guys I walked in bewtween, started punching each other and stuff. WHOA! I was really freaked out! I was trying to get upstairs, but they were so crowded I couldn't get up them. I finally got upstairs and a minute after I was in my class, my friend said she passed a fist fight and saw blood dripping on the floor from one of their forheads! WOW! that was scary! Everyone around the fight was like yelling and stuff. I am not one of those people who would normally watch something like that, but it was kind of hard not to.(especially when i was unable to get away with the huge crowd)

CRAZY!!! I did not exagerate one small bit!!!

Anagram of the day

Waitress = A stew, Sir?

Saturday, April 24

Anagram of the day!

Today's anagram of the day:

Waitress = A stew, Sir?

Monday, March 29


Check out my dance website at:


Anagram: a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: “Angel” is an anagram of “glean.”

This definition was found at:

Anagram of the day!

Today's anagram is:

Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter

Again, these anagrams are in the anagram hall of fame at:

Thursday, March 25

Anagram of the day!

Elvis = lives

Check out the anagram hall of fame at...

Sunday, March 14

(I find these anagrams at:

Postmaster=stamp store


Hey! If you find any really cool appropriate anagrams, please post them on my blog! I love them!

Nothin' much

Well... I don't know if anyone has come to my blog and i don't know how to check, but Please leave a comment if you have even taken a look. And Sadie, You desperately need to update your blog!!!

Friday, March 12

Duet Sun Sop

Duet Sun Sop is yet another anagram for STUPENDOUS! My life seems to be full of nothing but bore, so I will see what I can stir up and I will be sure to keep blogging in spare time!